Adding Users to Groups

You can add users to groups and invite them to get the app. Users can be added manually, or imported.

How to manually add users to a group

Open Groups and Manage Users. Select the options icon for the group, then Manage Users. In the new window, select Add Users at the top right.

Complete User details. Fill in the user details in the first row and select the + to add. Repeat this above step for each user that you want to add.

How to import users to a group

To easily import groups and users, upload a .csv file. You can import users to an existing group, or do a bulk import of users and groups.

Bulk Import. In the Groups section, select Import Groups. This will allow you to import up to 500 users along with multiple groups. If the group does not exist it will automatically created. If you need to import more than 500 users, batch them into individual import files.

Import to a single group. Select the options icon for a group and then Manage Users. In the new window, select Import. This will allow you to import up to 500 users to a single group.

Mobile-Only Users. If your platform app has mobile sign ups enabled, you can import / add users with mobile numbers only (no email address needed).

Send invites

Users who do not have an app account and are added to a group for the first time will need to be invited to access the app.

How do I edit a user's details?

Pending Users: The account Agent or Admin can edit the user's details.

Active Users: If the user has already activated their account, the user must edit their own details (can not be edited by the Agent or Admin) so as not to infringe on user privacy.

Can I delete a user?

Last updated