Creating Groups
What is a Group?
Create groups and cohorts to organise your audience by location, type, or any other targeting objective.
You can use groups/cohorts to manage your app audience. When you publish content, you can choose the groups that may have access to that content.
To invite a new user to the app, add them to a group. When a user is added to a group for the first time, you can send them an invitation to download the app.
Groups are given selective access to content. A user will only see the content that has been made available to the group(s) that they have been added to.
Choose a Group Type
You can assign a group type to suit the nature of each user group.
General. By default groups will be visible in user lists, content for distribution, and in filtering & analytics
Targeting Only. Choose this group type if you only need to use the group for content distribution.
Filter Only. Select this type if the group should only be visible in analytics, reports, and user filtering.
Create a Group
Open the Groups section on the platform. Under the Groups tab, select +Add Group.
Add a Name. The name you want to give the group e.g. Sales, Marketing, Development.
Select a Group Type. Select a type for the group (default type is General).
Choose Related Apps. If you have multiple apps you can select which apps this group is related to. By default, All Apps will be selected.
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