Importing & Exporting


The import/export feature on Cohort Locations allows for bulk managing of users and locations. The export feature allows you to make edits in a spreadsheet client of your choice and re-import changes you have made. This is far easier than editing each user or location by hand.

The other benefit to importing is that it will automatically create sections, roles, and location types based on your import. This means you will only need to manage these classifications instead of creating them one by one.



To import locations, navigate to Chort Locations, select Import, and then select Import Locations:

  1. Upload CSV. Select the Plus (+) icon and select a CSV file from your device.

  2. Preview. Review the locations that will be imported.

  3. Import. Select the import button to process the import.

Any Location Types that don't exist will be created automatically during the import. If you are looking for a location import template you can download it here or from the link in the import screen.


To export locations, simply select Export and then select Export Locations. This will provide a CSV export which you can edit and reupload to make changes.



Before importing users, you must have existing locations imported or created. This is due to user imports requiring Location Code to match users to which location. To import locations, navigate to Chort Locations, select Import, and then select Import Users:

  1. Upload CSV. Select the Plus (+) icon and select a CSV file from your device.

  2. Preview. Review the users that will be imported.

  3. Overwrite (On by default). Overwrite will ensure existing users are updated with new roles and sections but not remove users. Disabling this option will add instead of updating roles and sections.

  4. Import. Select the import button to process the import.

Any Sections and Roles that don't exist will be created automatically during the import. If you are looking for a location import template you can download it here or from the link in the import screen.

What about removing users with Importing?

As importing provides a way to bulk edit, providing deletion processes in imports leaves too much room for human error. However, you can manually remove a user from a location or manage the user's locations from Cohort / Users.


To export users, simply select Export and then select Export Users. This will provide a CSV export which you can edit and reupload to make changes.

Last updated